Source code for symbolism.symbolism

Extensible combinator library for building symbolic expressions that
can be evaluated at a later time.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Union, Iterable
import doctest

[docs]class symbol: """ Instances of this class represent individual symbolic values, as well as entire symbolic expressions (*i.e.*, trees consisting of nested :obj:`symbol` instances are represented using the root instance). A symbolic expression involving addition of integers is created in the example below. >>> from symbolism import * >>> addition = symbol(lambda x, y: x + y) >>> summation = addition(symbol(1), symbol(2)) The expression above can be evaluated at a later time. >>> summation.evaluate() 3 Instances are compatible with all built-in infix and prefix operators. When an operator is applied to one or more instances, a new :obj:`symbol` instance is created. >>> summation = symbol(1) + symbol(2) >>> summation.evaluate() 3 Pre-defined constants are also provided for all built-in Python operators. >>> conjunction = and_(symbol(True), symbol(False)) >>> conjunction.evaluate() False """ def __init__(self: symbol, instance: Any): """ Create a symbol from an instance (*e.g.*, value, object, or function). >>> add = lambda x, y: x + y >>> add_ = symbol(add) >>> add_.instance(1, 2) 3 """ self.instance = instance self.parameters = None
[docs] def __call__(self: symbol, *args, **kwargs) -> symbol: """ Allow creation of a symbolic expression via application of a :obj:`symbol` instance to zero or more parameter expressions. >>> add = lambda x, y: x + y >>> add_ = symbol(add) >>> e = add_(symbol(1), symbol(2)) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> len(e.parameters) 2 >>> e.parameters[0].instance 1 Keyword arguments are also supported. However, note that the keywords are preserved only in the keys of the ``parameters`` attribute (which in this case is instantiated as a dictionary). The indexing method :obj:`~symbol.__getitem__` and the iteration method :obj:`~symbol.__iter__` only support positional integer indexing and (where applicable) slicing. >>> add = lambda x, y: x + y >>> add_ = symbol(add) >>> e = add_(x=symbol(1), y=symbol(2)) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> len(e.parameters) 2 >>> e.parameters['x'].instance 1 Positional and keyword arguments cannot be mixed. >>> add = lambda x, y: x + y >>> add_ = symbol(add) >>> e = add_(symbol(1), y=symbol(2)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: cannot mix positional and keyword arguments """ if len(args) > 0 and len(kwargs) > 0: raise ValueError('cannot mix positional and keyword arguments') s = symbol(self.instance) s.parameters = args if len(kwargs) == 0 else kwargs return s
[docs] def __getitem__(self: symbol, key: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[Any, list, tuple]: """ Retrieve an instance parameter using an integer index, or retrieve a sequence of instance parameters using a slice. >>> add = lambda x, y: x + y >>> add_ = symbol(add) >>> e = add_(symbol(1), symbol(2)) >>> (e[0].instance, e[1].instance) (1, 2) >>> [e[i].instance for (i, p) in enumerate(e.parameters)] [1, 2] >>> [e[i].instance for (i, p) in enumerate(e)] [1, 2] Slice notation is also supported when the ``parameters`` attribute supports it. >>> [s.instance for s in e[0:2]] [1, 2] """ return ( list(self.parameters.values())[key] # pylint: disable=no-member if isinstance(self.parameters, dict) else self.parameters[key] # Should be a :obj:`tuple`; see :obj:`__init__`. )
[docs] def __iter__(self: symbol) -> Iterable: """ Allow iteration over instance parameters. >>> add = lambda x, y: x + y >>> add_ = symbol(add) >>> e = add_(symbol(1), symbol(2)) >>> [p.instance for p in e] [1, 2] >>> 123 in add_(123) True Even if keyword arguments are used when this instance is instantiated, the iteration returns the actual parameter instances (and **not** the keys of the ``parameters`` attribute). >>> add = lambda x, y: x + y >>> add_ = symbol(add) >>> e = add_(x=symbol(1), y=symbol(2)) >>> [p.instance for p in e] [1, 2] >>> 123 in add_(123) True """ for parameter in ( self.parameters.values() # pylint: disable=no-member if isinstance(self.parameters, dict) else self.parameters ): yield parameter
[docs] def __len__(self: symbol) -> int: """ The length of an instance corresponds to the number of parameters that it has. >>> add = lambda x, y: x + y >>> len(symbol(add)) 0 >>> e = symbol(add)(symbol(1), symbol(2)) >>> len(e) 2 """ return len(self.parameters) if self.parameters is not None else 0
[docs] def evaluate(self: symbol) -> Any: """ Evaluate a symbolic expression (via recursive evaluation of all subexpressions) and return the result. >>> add = lambda x, y: x + y >>> e = symbol(add)(symbol(1), symbol(2)) >>> e.evaluate() 3 >>> e = symbol(list.__getitem__)(symbol(['a', 'b', 'c']), symbol(1)) >>> e.evaluate() 'b' """ if self.parameters is None: return self.instance return self.instance(*[ parameter.evaluate() for parameter in ( self.parameters.values() # pylint: disable=no-member if isinstance(self.parameters, dict) else self.parameters ) ])
[docs] def __add__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(2) + symbol(3) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() 5 """ return add_(self, other)
[docs] def __sub__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(2) - symbol(3) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() -1 """ return sub_(self, other)
[docs] def __mul__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(2) * symbol(3) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() 6 """ return mul_(self, other)
[docs] def __matmul__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> class Test: ... def __matmul__(self, other): ... return True >>> e = symbol(Test()) @ symbol(Test()) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() True """ return matmul_(self, other)
[docs] def __truediv__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(5) / symbol(2) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() 2.5 """ return div_(self, other)
[docs] def __floordiv__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(5) // symbol(2) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() 2 """ return floordiv_(self, other)
[docs] def __mod__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(5) % symbol(2) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() 1 """ return mod_(self, other)
[docs] def __pow__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(5) ** symbol(2) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() 25 """ return pow_(self, other)
[docs] def __lshift__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(4) << symbol(2) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() 16 """ return lshift_(self, other)
[docs] def __rshift__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(16) >> symbol(2) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() 4 """ return rshift_(self, other)
[docs] def __and__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol({1, 2}) & symbol({2, 3}) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() {2} """ return bitand_(self, other)
[docs] def __xor__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol({1, 2}) ^ symbol({2, 3}) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() {1, 3} """ return bitxor_(self, other)
[docs] def __or__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol({1, 2}) | symbol({2, 3}) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() {1, 2, 3} """ return bitor_(self, other)
[docs] def __neg__(self: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = -symbol(2) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() -2 """ return neg_(self)
[docs] def __pos__(self: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = +symbol(2) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() 2 """ return pos_(self)
[docs] def __invert__(self: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = ~symbol(2) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() -3 """ return invert_(self)
[docs] def __eq__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(2) == symbol(3) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() False """ return eq_(self, other)
[docs] def __ne__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(2) != symbol(3) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() True """ return ne_(self, other)
[docs] def __lt__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(2) < symbol(3) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() True """ return lt_(self, other)
[docs] def __le__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(2) <= symbol(3) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() True """ return le_(self, other)
[docs] def __gt__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(2) > symbol(3) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() False """ return gt_(self, other)
[docs] def __ge__(self: symbol, other: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> e = symbol(2) >= symbol(3) >>> isinstance(e, symbol) True >>> e.evaluate() False """ return ge_(self, other)
# In order to accommodate the limitations of measuring coverage of unit tests, # the @symbol decorator is not used in the definitions below. def _and_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(and_(symbol(False), symbol(True)), symbol) True >>> and_.instance(True, False) False """ return x and y and_ = symbol(_and_) """ .. |and| replace:: ``and`` .. _and: Symbolic function corresponding to the infix boolean operator |and|_. """ def _or_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(or_(symbol(False), symbol(True)), symbol) True >>> or_.instance(True, False) True """ return x or y or_ = symbol(_or_) """ .. |or| replace:: ``or`` .. _or: Symbolic function corresponding to the infix boolean operator |or|_. """ def _not_(x: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(not_(symbol(True)), symbol) True >>> not_.instance(True) False """ return not x not_ = symbol(_not_) """ .. |not| replace:: ``not`` .. _not: Symbolic function corresponding to the prefix boolean operator |not|_. """ def _in_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(in_(symbol(2), symbol({1, 2, 3})), symbol) True >>> in_.instance(2, {1, 2, 3}) True """ return x in y in_ = symbol(_in_) """ .. |in| replace:: ``in`` .. _in: Symbolic function corresponding to the infix operator |in|_. """ def _is_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(is_(symbol(2), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> is_.instance(2, 2) True """ return x is y is_ = symbol(_is_) """ .. |is| replace:: ``is`` .. _is: Symbolic function corresponding to the infix operator |is|_. """ def _add_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(add_(symbol(2), symbol(3)), symbol) True >>> add_.instance(2, 3) 5 """ return x + y add_ = symbol(_add_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__add__`.""" def _sub_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(sub_(symbol(2), symbol(3)), symbol) True >>> sub_.instance(2, 3) -1 """ return x - y sub_ = symbol(_sub_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__sub__`.""" def _mul_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(mul_(symbol(2), symbol(3)), symbol) True >>> mul_.instance(2, 3) 6 """ return x * y mul_ = symbol(_mul_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__mul__`.""" def _matmul_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> class Test: ... def __matmul__(self, other): ... return True >>> isinstance(matmul_(symbol(Test()), symbol(Test())), symbol) True >>> matmul_.instance(Test(), Test()) True """ return x @ y matmul_ = symbol(_matmul_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__matmul__`.""" def _div_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(div_(symbol(5), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> div_.instance(5, 2) 2.5 """ return x / y truediv_ = symbol(_div_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__truediv__`.""" div_ = truediv_ """Concise alias for :obj:`symbol.__truediv__`.""" def _floordiv_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(floordiv_(symbol(5), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> floordiv_.instance(5, 2) 2 """ return x // y floordiv_ = symbol(_floordiv_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__floordiv__`.""" def _mod_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(mod_(symbol(5), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> mod_.instance(5, 2) 1 """ return x % y mod_ = symbol(_mod_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__mod__`.""" def _pow_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(pow_(symbol(2), symbol(3)), symbol) True >>> pow_.instance(2, 3) 8 """ return x ** y pow_ = symbol(_pow_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__pow__`.""" def _lshift_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(lshift_(symbol(4), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> lshift_.instance(4, 2) 16 """ return x << y lshift_ = symbol(_lshift_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__lshift__`.""" def _rshift_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(rshift_(symbol(16), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> rshift_.instance(16, 2) 4 """ return x >> y rshift_ = symbol(_rshift_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__rshift__`.""" def _bitand_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(bitand_(symbol({1, 2}), symbol({2, 3})), symbol) True >>> bitand_.instance({1, 2}, {2, 3}) {2} """ return x & y bitand_ = symbol(_bitand_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__and__`.""" amp_ = bitand_ """Concise alias for :obj:`symbol.__and__`.""" def _bitxor_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(bitxor_(symbol({1, 2}), symbol({2, 3})), symbol) True >>> bitxor_.instance({1, 2}, {2, 3}) {1, 3} """ return x ^ y bitxor_ = symbol(_bitxor_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__xor__`.""" xor_ = bitxor_ # Concise synonym """Concise alias for :obj:`symbol.__xor__`.""" def _bitor_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(bitor_(symbol({1, 2}), symbol({2, 3})), symbol) True >>> bitor_.instance({1, 2}, {2, 3}) {1, 2, 3} """ return x | y bitor_ = symbol(_bitor_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__or__`.""" bar_ = bitor_ """Concise alias for :obj:`symbol.__or__`.""" def _invert_(x: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(invert_(symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> invert_.instance(2) -3 """ return ~x invert_ = symbol(_invert_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__invert__`.""" def _pos_(x: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(pos_(symbol(3)), symbol) True >>> pos_.instance(3) 3 """ return +x pos_ = symbol(_pos_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__pos__`.""" uadd_ = pos_ """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__pos__` (alluding to the name of :obj:`ast.UAdd`).""" def _neg_(x: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(neg_(symbol(3)), symbol) True >>> neg_.instance(3) -3 """ return -x neg_ = symbol(_neg_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__neg__`.""" usub_ = neg_ """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__neg__` (alluding to the name of :obj:`ast.USub`).""" def _eq_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(eq_(symbol(3), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> eq_.instance(3, 2) False """ return x == y eq_ = symbol(_eq_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__eq__`.""" def _ne_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(ne_(symbol(3), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> ne_.instance(3, 2) True """ return x != y ne_ = symbol(_ne_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__ne__`.""" def _lt_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(lt_(symbol(3), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> lt_.instance(3, 2) False """ return x < y lt_ = symbol(_lt_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__lt__`.""" def _le_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(le_(symbol(3), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> le_.instance(3, 2) False """ return x <= y le_ = symbol(_le_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__le__`.""" def _gt_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(gt_(symbol(3), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> gt_.instance(3, 2) True """ return x > y gt_ = symbol(_gt_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__gt__`.""" def _ge_(x: symbol, y: symbol) -> symbol: """ >>> isinstance(ge_(symbol(3), symbol(2)), symbol) True >>> ge_.instance(3, 2) True """ return x >= y ge_ = symbol(_ge_) """Alias for :obj:`symbol.__ge__`.""" if __name__ == '__main__': doctest.testmod() # 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